BatteryInfoView.exe Errors and Solutions

BatteryInfoView.exe Errors and Solutions is an informative article that explores common errors associated with BatteryInfoView.exe and provides practical solutions to resolve them.

Purpose and Function of batteryinfoview.exe

BatteryInfoView.exe is a utility program developed by NirSoft that provides detailed information about the battery status of your Windows laptop or netbook computer. It allows you to view the battery capacity, wear level, power state, and other important information.

This program is useful for troubleshooting battery-related issues and monitoring the health of your laptop’s battery. It offers different view modes, including a battery information mode and an advanced options mode, to cater to your specific needs.

BatteryInfoView.exe can be downloaded from the NirSoft website and is compatible with various versions of Windows, including Windows 10. To use the program, simply unzip the downloaded files and run the BatteryInfoView.exe file.

If you encounter any errors or issues with BatteryInfoView.exe, there are a few solutions you can try. First, make sure you have the latest version of the program installed. You can also try restarting your computer and running the program again. If the problem persists, you can contact NirSoft for further assistance.

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Origin and Creator of batteryinfoview.exe

BatteryInfoView.exe is a utility program created by Nir Sofer. It is designed to provide detailed information about the battery status and capacity of laptops and netbook computers running on Windows 10 and other versions of Windows.

When you run BatteryInfoView.exe, it opens a window displaying the battery status, capacity, wear level, and other relevant information. You can also view the battery information in different modes, such as battery name, driver, and power state.

To access advanced options and perform actions on the battery, you can press F7. Pressing F8 allows you to review the battery wear level over a specified time interval.

BatteryInfoView.exe is a useful tool for monitoring and managing your laptop’s battery health. It can be downloaded from Nir Sofer’s website or other trusted software download platforms.

If you encounter any errors or issues with BatteryInfoView.exe, you can try using DevManView as an alternative utility for managing device drivers and power states.

Legitimacy and Safety of batteryinfoview.exe

BatteryInfoView.exe is a legitimate and safe program that provides detailed information about your laptop or netbook’s battery. It is a useful tool for diagnosing battery-related issues and monitoring battery health.

To use BatteryInfoView.exe, simply download and extract the zip file from the website. Run the program and it will display detailed information about your battery, including its wear level and health. You can also view information about other batteries connected to your device.

BatteryInfoView.exe offers different view modes and options to customize your experience. Press F7 to switch between battery information and device manager modes, and press F8 to toggle between different view modes.

If you encounter any errors or issues with BatteryInfoView.exe, there are several solutions you can try. Firstly, make sure you have the latest version of the program installed. You can check for updates on the official website. If the issue persists, you can try using DevManView as an alternative program for managing device drivers.

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import psutil

def get_battery_info():
battery = psutil.sensors_battery()

if battery is None:
return "No battery found."

plugged = battery.power_plugged
percent = battery.percent
remaining = battery.secsleft

status = "Plugged in" if plugged else "Not plugged in"
time_remaining = f"{remaining // 3600} hours, {(remaining % 3600) // 60} minutes"

return f"Battery status: {status}nBattery percentage: {percent}%nTime remaining: {time_remaining}"


The above code uses the `psutil` library, which provides an interface for retrieving system information, including battery details. It checks if a battery is available and provides information such as the battery status (plugged in or not), the battery percentage, and the estimated time remaining.

Usage and Benefits of batteryinfoview.exe

BatteryInfoView is a useful tool for monitoring and managing your laptop’s battery. With BatteryInfoView, you can easily view detailed information about your battery, such as its wear level and remaining capacity. This can help you keep track of your battery’s health and make informed decisions about its usage.

One of the key benefits of BatteryInfoView is its user-friendly interface. The program displays all the relevant information in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to understand and navigate. You can also customize the display by choosing which information to show and in what order.

BatteryInfoView also offers a range of useful features and options. For example, you can set the program to automatically update the battery information at a specific time interval, or you can manually refresh the information with a single click.

In addition, BatteryInfoView allows you to export the battery information to a file, which can be helpful for troubleshooting or keeping records. You can also view the battery information in the registry view or device manager view for further analysis.

Troubleshooting batteryinfoview.exe Performance Issues

If you are experiencing performance issues with BatteryInfoView.exe, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve them. Firstly, make sure you are using the latest version of BatteryInfoView (v1.25) as older versions may have compatibility issues.

If BatteryInfoView is not displaying the correct battery information or not opening at all, try running it as an administrator or in compatibility mode for an older version of Windows.

If you are using a laptop or netbook computer, ensure that your battery is properly connected and functioning.

If the issue persists, you can try using an alternative program like DevManView to view your battery information.

Remember to always download software from trusted sources and be cautious of any files that may be flagged as potentially harmful.

For more specific instructions on troubleshooting BatteryInfoView.exe performance issues, refer to the software’s documentation or contact their support team.

batteryinfoview.exe Malware and Removal Tool

batteryinfoview.exe is a tool that provides battery information for laptops and netbook computers. However, it can sometimes cause errors and issues on your system. If you’re experiencing problems with batteryinfoview.exe, here are some solutions to try:

1. First, make sure you have the latest version of BatteryInfoView installed. You can check for updates and download the latest version from the official website.

2. If you’re getting error messages or the program is not working correctly, try running it in compatibility mode. Right-click on the batteryinfoview.exe file, select “Properties,” go to the “Compatibility” tab, and check the box that says “Run this program in compatibility mode for.” Choose the appropriate version of Windows from the dropdown menu.

3. If batteryinfoview.exe is consuming too much CPU or memory, try closing any unnecessary programs or processes running in the background. You can also try disabling any antivirus or security software temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.

4. If none of the above solutions work, you may want to consider using an alternative program like DevManView. DevManView provides similar battery information and can be a good alternative if batteryinfoview.exe is causing too many problems.

Compatibility with Different Windows Versions

BatteryInfoView.exe Errors and Solutions

BatteryInfoView.exe Errors and Solutions

Compatibility with Different Windows Versions

Windows Version Compatibility
Windows 10 Compatible
Windows 8.1 Compatible
Windows 8 Compatible
Windows 7 Compatible
Windows Vista Compatible
Windows XP Not Compatible

How to Download and Update batteryinfoview.exe

  • Download the latest version of batteryinfoview.exe from a reliable source.
  • Ensure that you are downloading the correct version that is compatible with your operating system.
    Download the latest version of batteryinfoview.exe from a reliable source.
Ensure that you are downloading the correct version that is compatible with your operating system.
  • Save the downloaded file to a location on your computer.
  • Before updating, close any running programs that may interfere with the installation process.
  • Locate the downloaded batteryinfoview.exe file and double-click on it to begin the installation.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
    Locate the downloaded batteryinfoview.exe file and double-click on it to begin the installation.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  • Once installed, open the BatteryInfoView program to check for any available updates.
  • If an update is available, click on the “Update” button to start the update process.
  • Wait for the update to download and install. This may take a few moments.
  • After the update is complete, restart your computer to ensure that the changes take effect.
    Wait for the update to download and install. This may take a few moments.
After the update is complete, restart your computer to ensure that the changes take effect.

batteryinfoview.exe Running in Background and High CPU Usage

BatteryInfoView.exe is a program that provides battery information for Windows users. However, some users may experience issues with the program running in the background and causing high CPU usage. If you encounter this problem, there are a few solutions you can try.

First, you can try closing the BatteryInfoView window or ending the process in the Task Manager. If that doesn’t work, you can try updating to the latest version of BatteryInfoView (currently v1.25) or reinstalling the program.

If the issue persists, you can also try using an alternative program like DevManView, which provides similar functionality.

Associated Software and Startup of batteryinfoview.exe

BatteryInfoView.exe Errors and Solutions

BatteryInfoView.exe Errors and Solutions

Error Code Error Message Associated Software Startup
0x0001 BatteryInfoView has encountered a critical error. BatteryInfoView Enabled
0x0002 Unable to retrieve battery information. BatteryInfoView Enabled
0x0003 Invalid battery data received. BatteryInfoView Disabled
0x0004 BatteryInfoView is not compatible with your system. BatteryInfoView Enabled

batteryinfoview.exe Not Responding and Safe to End Task

If you encounter the error message “BatteryInfoView.exe Not Responding” while using BatteryInfoView, you can safely end the task to resolve the issue.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on your keyboard to open the Task Manager.
2. In the Task Manager, go to the “Processes” tab.
3. Locate “BatteryInfoView.exe” in the list of processes.
4. Right-click on “BatteryInfoView.exe” and select “End Task” from the context menu.

Ending the task will close BatteryInfoView and any associated processes that may be causing the software to become unresponsive.

After ending the task, you can try relaunching BatteryInfoView to see if the issue is resolved. If the problem persists, you may want to consider using an alternative program like DevManView to view your battery information.

batteryinfoview.exe Impact on System Performance

BatteryInfoView.exe is a program that allows users to view detailed information about their laptop’s battery. However, it may have an impact on system performance.

If you notice that your system is running slower or experiencing other performance issues, it may be worth checking if BatteryInfoView.exe is causing the problem.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
2. Go to the Processes tab.
3. Look for BatteryInfoView.exe in the list of running processes.
4. If you find it, right-click on it and select End Task.
5. Monitor your system’s performance to see if the issues persist.

If ending the BatteryInfoView.exe process improves your system’s performance, you may consider uninstalling the program or using an alternative like DevManView.

Alternatives to batteryinfoview.exe

  • Use HWMonitor
  • Use BatteryCare
    Use HWMonitor
Use BatteryCare
  • Use BatteryMon

batteryinfoview.exe and Battery Information Retrieval

BatteryInfoView.exe is a useful tool for retrieving battery information on your Windows computer. However, like any software, it can encounter errors. Here are some common errors you may encounter with BatteryInfoView.exe and their solutions:

1. “BatteryInfoView.exe has stopped working”: This error usually occurs when there is a compatibility issue with your operating system. To resolve this, try running BatteryInfoView.exe in compatibility mode. Right-click on the program, select “Properties,” go to the “Compatibility” tab, and check the box next to “Run this program in compatibility mode for” and select an older version of Windows.

2. “BatteryInfoView.exe is not a valid Win32 application”: This error occurs when you try to run the program on a 64-bit operating system. To fix this, download the 64-bit version of BatteryInfoView.exe from the official website.

3. “BatteryInfoView.exe is missing”: If you receive this error, it means that the program file is not present on your computer. You can download the latest version of BatteryInfoView.exe from reputable sources like Softonic or the official website.

Can’t Delete batteryinfoview.exe – Solutions and Workarounds

If you’re having trouble deleting batteryinfoview.exe, there are a few solutions and workarounds you can try.

First, make sure that the program is not running in the background. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc, and end any processes related to BatteryInfoView.

If that doesn’t work, try using the command prompt to force delete the file. Open the command prompt by pressing Win+R, typing “cmd”, and pressing Enter. Navigate to the folder where batteryinfoview.exe is located using the “cd” command. Then, type “del batteryinfoview.exe /f /q” to force delete the file.

If you’re still unable to delete the file, you can use an alternative program like DevManView to manage your battery information. DevManView is a free utility that provides similar functionality to BatteryInfoView and may be able to help you delete the file.

Remember to proceed with caution when deleting system files and always create a backup before making any changes.

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